General Terms and Conditions of Processing and Delivery (GTCP)
buhl-paperform GmbH
General Terms and Conditions of Processing and Delivery (GTCP)
Date of issue March 2021
§ 1 Scope
1. In addition to other contractual agreements, these GTCP shall exclusively apply to all transactions between buhl-paperformGmbH, hereinafter known as buhl-paperform, and the purchaseror customer, hereinafter known as the Customer.
Even if the service is provided or payment accepted, buhl-paperform shall not acknowledge other terms issued by the Customer unless buhl-paperform expressly agrees to their being valid in writing.
2. These GTCP shall only apply to business transactions with enterprises in the sense of § 14 of the German Civil Code[BGB]; they shall also apply to all future business relationships without having to be included on each occasion until buhl-paperform issues new GTCP.
3. All agreements made between us and the Customer as part of contract negotiations must be set out in writing for verification purposes and must be confirmed by both parties.
4. Side-agreements, retrospective contract amendments and the acceptance of a guarantee, particularly assurances of propertiesor the acceptance of a purchasing risk must be made in writing if they are made by persons who have no rights of representation.
§ 2 Advice
1. buhl-paperform shall only advise the Customer if such advice is expressly requested. Failure to make statements shall not constitute advice.
2. Advice provided by buhl-paperform shall extend exclusively to the properties of our own products but not to their use by the Customer or its customers; any advice provided relating to the use of the products by the Customer shall be non-binding (contract-dependent advice).
3. buhl-paperform's product and service-related advice shall only extend to the products and services provided by buhl-paperform.
It shall not extend to advice outside of the contract, in otherwords to statements which are made without products being sold or services provided by buhl-paperform.
4. The advice services provided by buhl-paperform shall be based exclusively on empirical values from its own business and shall only include the state of the art on a non-binding basis.
§ 3 Contract conclusion
1. buhl-paperform's quotations shall be non-binding, they shall be regarded as a request to submit a quotation.
2. Details, descriptions and images of buhl-paperform’s goods and products especially in technical documents, catalogues, brochures, circulars, advertisements and price lists shall be non-binding unless their inclusion in the contract has been expressly agreed; they shall not release the Customer from conducting its own inspections.
3. In principle the order issued by the Customer shall be regarded as an offer to conclude a contract.
4. Goods must be clearly specified in the order. This applies to all goods, works and other services to be provided by buhl-paperform.
Missing, incorrect or incomplete details shall be regarded as expressly not agreed and shall not give rise to any obligations on buhl-paperform's part, either in the sense of fulfilment and warranty or in the sense of compensation claims.
5. The product characteristics are released in writing by the Customer prior the release for series production.
6. If the order issued by the Customer differs from buhl-paperform's quotation, the Customer must specially highlight the differences.
7. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to obtain further informationfor the purpose of ensuring that the order can be completed properly.
8. buhl-paperform assumes that the goods will be used exclusively for civil and not for military purposes. buhl-paperform is not liable for a nonagreed use of the goods by the Customer or any third party.
9. Orders should be issued in writing or in (electronic) text form.
10. The order should be accepted in writing or in (electronic) textform.
11. buhl-paperform's services shall be set out in the order confirmation.
12. buhl-paperform reserves the right to process the goods or services or to have them processed at a different plant at no added cost to the Customer.
13. If the Customer cancels an order which has already been placed, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to charge 10% of the price for the goods or services for the costs incurred by processing the order and for loss of profit, notwithstanding the possibilityof claiming higher actual damages. The Customer shall be at liberty to provide evidence that our costs were in fact less than this.
14. The production of samples of any type, for example drafts etc., shall be specially made for the Customer and on the basisof its specifications only after an order has been placed for them. These samples shall be invoiced separately to the Customer.
§ 4 Blanket contracts
1. If buhl-paperform has agreed a blanket contract with the Customer under which the complete annual requirement is manufactured and stored for call orders, the Customer undertakes to accept all the remaining volume which is in storage or has yet to be manufactured after the elapse of one year from the date of the order. During the term of the blanket contract, an amendment of the ordered volume of goods or services shall only be possible by means of a separate contractual agreement between buhl-paperform and the Customer.
2. Unless otherwise agreed, all call orders must be accepted within one year of the order being placed without this requiring any request to accept such orders. If this deadline passes, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to invoice the goods and ship them at the expense and risk of the Customer or to cancel the contract with immediate effect.
§ 5 Contract amendments
1. A separate contractual agreement shall be required if the Customer requires any modifications to the goods or servicesafter the contract has been concluded.
2. Sketches, drafts, samples and similar preparatory work shall only be supplied to the Customer if it expressly requests them in writing.
3. Subsequent changes at the request of the Customer including machine down times which result from them shall be charged to the Customer. Repeat samples requested by the Customer as a result of minor differences from the original shall also be regarded as subsequent changes.
4. buhl-paperform reserves the right to modify the goods or services within reason in the event that buhl-paperform has not received the required information or have received incorrect information. Negative effects caused by a lack of information or incorrect information, in particular additional costs or damages, shall be paid by the Customer.
5. buhl-paperform reserves the right to make technical modifications to the goods or services which do not jeopardise the objective of the contract, particularly in terms of material and finish.
§ 6 Lead time
1. If a lead time has been agreed for the goods or services, this shall commence when the order confirmation is sent but not before all details of the order have been clarified and all the Customer’s duties of cooperation have been fulfilled properly; the same shall apply to delivery dates for the goods or services.
2. In the event of mutually agreed modifications to the goods or services, new lead times and delivery dates for said goods and services must be agreed.
Dies gilt auch dann, wenn über den Auftragsgegenstand nach Vertragsschluss erneut verhandelt wurde, ohne dass eine Änderung des Auftragsgegenstandes vorgenommen wurde.
3. Lead times and delivery dates for the goods and services are agreed subject to the raw materials being supplied to us in perfect condition and promptly and that no unforeseeable production problems are encountered.
4. Delivery deadlines for goods and services shall be automatically extended by the period in which the Customer fails to meet its obligations to buhl-paperform. In particular the delivery deadlines for goods and services shall be suspended for the durationof the review of samples etc. by the Customer from the time at which these items are sent to it until final approval has beengranted. This shall also apply as and where appropriate to lead times for goods and services.
5. The lead time for goods and services shall be deemed to have been met if the goods or services have left buhl-paperform's plant before its expiry or buhl-paperform has sent notification that they are ready for collection.
6. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to deliver the goods or complete the service before the agreed date.
7. Part consignments or services shall be permitted and may be charged separately.
8. buhl-paperform undertakes to compensate the Customer withany damages it suffers within the framework set out in law in the event that it is culpable for a late delivery. This shall not apply to loss of profit and damages caused by interruptions to operations.
§ 7 Acceptance delay
1. If the Customer fails to accept the goods by the agreed delivery date or lead time for reasons that are its responsibility, buhl-paperform may demand compensation for any additional costs buhl-paperform incurs as a result.
2. If the acceptance of the goods or services by the Customer is delayed, buhl-paperform may charge storage costs for each month or part there of in the amount of 0.5% of the price of the goods or services, subject to a maximum of 5%. Either of the parties to the contract shall be entitled to provide evidence that the actual storage costs were higher or lower than this figure.
buhl-paperform shall be entitled to select a suitable storage site at the expense and risk of the Customer and to insure the goods or services.
3. The products for supply to the Customer, in particular data and data media, shall only be archived by buhl-paperform by express agreement and against separate payment beyond the date of delivery of the goods.
4. If buhl-paperform is entitled to demand compensation rather than payment, it may demand 15% of the price as compensation, notwithstanding the possibility of demanding higher actual damages, unless the Customer can provide evidence that buhl-paperform has not suffered any damages or its damages were considerably lower than this lump sum.
§ 8 Forces majeures
1. In cases of forces majeures, buhl-paperform's lead times and delivery dates shall be extended by the duration of the problem which has occurred.
2. These shall include circumstances which occur but for which buhl-paperform is not responsible such as war, fire damage,strikes, lock-outs, traffic problems, official orders, plant shut-downs or major operating problems such as lack of material or energy suffered by buhl-paperform and its sub-contractors and suppliers.
This shall apply even if buhl-paperform was already in default when these circumstances occurred.
3. After becoming aware buhl-paperform shall notify the Customer without delay of the start and end of such problems.
4. If the goods or services are delayed by more than six weeks, both the Customer and buhl-paperform shall be entitled to cancel the contract relating to the scope of the contract affected by the delay.
§ 9 Payment
1. Unless otherwise agreed, the agreed prices shall be as a total price per 100 units or per unit in euros on the basis of the EXW (ex works) clause set out in INCOTERMS® 2020 excluding value-added tax, duties, freight, packaging and transport insurance costs and other shipment costs.
buhl-paperform shall only provide insurance cover for the goodsduring shipping at the express written request and at the expense of the Customer.
2. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to change the agreed price within reason in the event that increases in costs, in particular due to collective wage-bargaining agreements or material or energy price changes, occur after the conclusion of the contract. Evidence of the change in costs shall be supplied to the Customer on request.
3. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to change the price within reason if changes occur before or during the completion of the order because the information provided by the Customer and the documents supplied by it were incorrect or the Customer requests other modifications.
4. Sketches, drafts, samples, changes to supplied or transferred data and similar preparatory work requested by the Customer as well as data transfers shall be charged separately. This shall apply even if a series order is placed.
5. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to demand a reasonable advance payment when the contract is concluded. Interest shall not be payable on this.
6. Unless otherwise agreed, invoices shall be payable within 30 days of the invoice date on a strictly net basis. They shall be payable without any deductions. In the event that they are not paid, the Customer shall be in default on the due date without this requiring any further warnings.
Discounts and rebates shall only be granted by special agreement. Part payments shall require separate written agreement.
7. Settlement by bills of exchange shall require buhl-paperform's separate prior agreement. Discount charges and bills of exchange costs shall be paid by the Customer. Invoice settlement by cheque or bill of exchange shall only be for the purpose of fulfilment and shall not be regarded as payment until they have been redeemed without reservation.
8. If the Customer has several outstanding invoices from buhl-paperform and if payments are not made by the Customer against a specific invoice, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to decide to which of the outstanding invoices the payment shall be assigned.
9. In the event of default, forbearance or part payment, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to charge default interest at a rate of 8 percentage points per annum above the relevant base rateand to withhold further goods and services until all outstanding invoices have been settled. buhl-paperform reserves the right to provide evidence that buhl-paperform suffered higher damages.
10. By placing the order the Customer confirms that it is solvent and creditworthy.
If there are justified doubts about the Customer's solvency or creditworthiness, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to demand payment in advance or suitable security for the service to be provided on behalf of the Customer.
If the Customer is not prepared to make payment in advance or provide security, buhl-paperform shall be entitled, after setting a reasonable extended deadline, to cancel these contracts and demand compensation for non-fulfilment.
11. Terms of payment shall be cancelled and outstanding accounts shall become payable immediately if an application is made to open insolvency proceedings against the Customer's assets or if the Customer has provided inaccurate information about its creditworthiness or if there are other justified doubts about the Customer's solvency or creditworthiness.
12. The Customer shall only be entitled to set off claims against buhl-paperform's claims if the counter claim is undisputed or has been fixed in a court of law.
The assignment of debts payable to buhl-paperform shall require buhl-paperform's consent.
13. The Customer shall only have a right of retention if the counter claim is based on the same contract and is undisputed or has been fixed by a court of law or if buhl-paperform commits a major breach of duties from the same contract despite receiving a written warning and has not offered reasonable safeguard.
If a service provided by buhl-paperform is undisputedly defective, the Customer shall only have a right of retention for a reasonable amount relative to the defects and the likely costs for their rectification.
14. The payment deadlines shall remain in force even if delays occur to the delivery through no fault of buhl-paperform's.
15. In addition to the contractually agreed prices for the goods, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to charge reasonable and normal one-off programming and setting costs for initial orders.
15. If value-added tax is not included in the invoice of buhl-paperform, in particular because buhl-paperform has assumed, on the basis of information provided by the Customer, that the goods have been supplied or the services provided on the basis of a “single market transaction” in the sense of § 4 No. 1 b together with § 6 a of the Value-Added Tax Law [UStG], and buhl-paperform is retrospectively charged with a value-added tax debt (§ 6 a IV of the Value-Added Tax Law), the Customer undertakes to reimburse buhl-paperform with the amount which has been charged. This duty shall apply regardless of whether buhl-paperform is retrospectively charged with value-added tax,import value-added tax or comparable taxes in Germany or elsewhere.
§ 10 Fulfilment services
1. The place of fulfilment for the services and payments specified in the order shall be buhl-paperform's plant. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the Customer should collect the goods from there after being notified that they are ready.
2. The place of fulfilment for payments to be made to buhl-paperform from the business relationship shall be buhl-paperform's registered office.
3. The Customer undertakes to complete an acceptance procedure as soon as buhl-paperform has notified it that the service sit ordered have been completed.
If the Customer does not complete this acceptance procedure within two weeks of such notification, the services shall be deemed to have been accepted.
4. The risk of any errors affecting the goods passes to the production release to the Customer unless the errors occur or could only be identified during production after this production release.
5. The risk of destruction, loss or damage to the goods shall be transferred to the Customer when notification is given that the goods are ready.
If shipment has been agreed, the risk shall be transferred to the Customer when the goods are dispatched or they have been handed over to the transport contractor.
6. Unless agreement has been made to the contrary, buhl-paperform shall determine the type and scope of packaging. Single use packaging must be disposed of by the Customer.
7. If the goods are shipped in loaned packaging, the packaging must be returned free of charge within 30 days of receiving the shipment. The Customer must pay compensation for any loss or damage to the loaned packaging.
Loaned packaging must not be used for any other purposes or for holding other goods. They may only be used for transporting the supplied goods. Labels on loaned packaging must not be removed.
8. In the event of the goods being damaged or lost en route, an inspection should be carried out immediately and buhl-paperform is to be notified of the results. Claims relating to any transport damage must be made without delay to the forwarderby the Customer.
§ 11 Delivery
1. buhl-paperform shall not accept liability for damage caused by incorrect or inaccurate labelling and identification of goods or other deliveries supplied by the Customer. buhl-paperform shall not be obliged to inspect goods or other deliveries supplied by the Customer or a third party engaged by it, in particular data media and transferred data.
2. The goods for processing will only be inspected by buhl-paperform for defects and damage which are externally visible. buhl-paperform shall not be obliged to conduct any other inspections. Any defects found will be reported to the Customer within 10 working days of the discovery of the defect.
3. The Customer undertakes to reimburse buhl-paperform with all damages including loss of profit which buhl-paperform incurs as a result of its being supplied with material or data which is not suitable for processing.
4. buhl-paperform shall be entitled to a right of retention under §369 of the German Commercial Code [HGB] for any production resources, raw materials and other items supplied by the Customer until all due accounts from the business relationship have been paid in full.
5. The items supplied to buhl-paperform by the Customer shallbe stored for a maximum of six months after their last use. After the elapse of this period, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to destroy them unless the Customer has expressly requested their return in writing from buhl-paperform before the elapse of this period and ensured their short-term redemption. After this dead-line of six months the risk of loss or damage shall pass to the Customer.
§ 12 Duty to inspect and complain
1. The Customer undertakes to inspect the goods immediatelyafter delivery in accordance with § 377 of the German Commercial Code for defects and damage, and in particular to inspectinitial and intermediate items or documents supplied for proofingand to notify buhl-paperform of any defects and damage identified during this inspection or at a later date without delay aftertheir discovery and to send buhl-paperform a reference sample of the affected consignment. The provision of § 377 of the German Commercial Code shall apply as and where appropriate for general and works services. Complaints must be made in writing.
2. Defective goods or services must not be used. If it was not possible to detect a defect on receipt of the goods or after the provision of the service, all further use of the goods or services must be stopped immediately after the discovery of the defect.The burden of proof for concealed defects shall be borne by theCustomer.
3. The Customer shall send buhl-paperform the defective goods and shall provide us with sufficient time to inspect the defect. In the event of unjustified complaints, buhl-paperform reserves the right to charge the Customer with the inspection costs it has incurred.
4. The complaint shall not exempt the Customer from its duty to comply with its payment obligations.
5. Defects affecting part of the supplied goods shall not entitle the Customer to complain about the entire shipment unless the part shipment is of no interest to the Customer.
6. No complaints about dimension discrepancies affecting the goods or services to be provided by buhl-paperform shall be accepted if these discrepancies can be classed as normal for the industry or sector.
7. No complaints shall be accepted about minor discrepancies from the original on reproductions made using any production process. The same shall apply to a comparison between other original documents and the end product.
§ 13 Warranty
1. If buhl-paperform's goods or services are defective, buhl-paperform shall be entitled at its discretion to rectify the defect, supply replacement goods or provide the Customer with a credit note.
2. Refinishing work may also be completed by the Customer bycagreement with buhl-paperform.
3. Claims by the Customer relating to the costs required for the purposes of repeat fulfilment, in particular transport, travelling, labour and material costs, shall not be permitted if these costs are increased because the goods were subsequently transported to a place other than the Customer’s site.
4. No complaints shall be accepted about excess or short deliveries of up to 10% of the ordered volume. The supplied volume shall be invoiced. This percentage shall be increased to 20% for consignments of less than 1,000 kg or 15% for consignments of less than 2,000 kg for goods made using special products.
5. Warranty claims for defects which do not affect the value or suitability of the goods or only affect it to a small extent shall be excluded.
§ 14 Intellectual property rights
1. Orders based on drawings, sketches or other information supplied to buhl-paperform shall be completed at the risk of the Customer. If buhl-paperform breaches intellectual property rights owned by third parties as a result of such purchase orders, the Customer shall exempt buhl-paperform from claims by the owners of such rights. The Customer shall be responsible for all further damages.
2. buhl-paperform's liability for any breaches of intellectual property rights which relate to the use of the goods or services or with the connection or use of the goods or services with other products shall be excluded.
3. In the event of legal defects, buhl-paperform shall be entitledat its discretion, to obtain the required licences for the breached intellectual property rights or to rectify the defect affecting the goods or services by supplying modified goods or services in a reasonable form for the Customer.
4. buhl-paperform's liability for breaching third party intellectual property rights shall otherwise only extend to intellectual property rights which have been registered and published in Germany.
5. The transfer or grant of intellectual property rights and copy-rights, particularly of buhl-paperform's existing commercial intellectual property rights to the Customer shall not be part of the goods or services to be provided by buhl-paperform. The type and scope of utility or intellectual property rights to be granted by us shall be set out in a separate contractual agreement.
6. The equipment used by buhl-paperform to complete the order, such as data and tools shall remain the property of buhl-paperform even if they are invoiced separately and shall not be delivered; any copyrights shall be the property of buhl-paperform.
7. All ideas and documents created by buhl-paperform, in particular samples, dummies, sketches, drafts, technical information etc. shall be subject to the protection of the intellectual property of buhl-paperform and may not be used or exploited in any form without buhl-paperform's consent unless these products were manufactured exclusively on the basis of the Customer’s information and specifications.
8. If buhl-paperform manufactures products on behalf of the Customer on the basis of drawings, models, samples of other technical documents provided by it (the Customer), or on the basis of process requests made by the Customer, the Customer shall take responsibility for such items not breaching third party intellectual property rights. If third parties prohibit buhl-paperform from manufacturing and supplying such products on the basis of existing intellectual property rights, buhl-paperform shall be entitled, without having to review the legal situation, to stop all work in this respect and to demand compensation from the Customer.
9. The provision of such drawings, documents and the like and the requested process successes and the specified recipes and relevant material usages etc. shall result in the Customer indemnifying buhl-paperform from all claims lodged by third parties in this respect.
§ 15 Liability
1. buhl-paperform shall only accept liability for the outstanding accounts of the company up to the value of the company’s assets.
2. In the event of simple negligence buhl-paperform shall only accept liability in the event of a breach of a major contract duty. For gross negligence buhl-paperform shall also accept liability for breaches of non-major contract duties.
Major contract duties are those duties whose fulfilment makes the implementation of the contract possible in the first place and on compliance with which the party to the contract should be able to depend.
In the event of simple negligent breach of a major contract duty liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damages which are typical for these contracts.
3. In the event of assured properties, buhl-paperform's liability shall be limited to the scope and the amount of buhl-paperform's product liability insurance policy. The scope of coverage corresponds to the non-binding recommendations for product liability insurance policies made by the German Insurance Industry Federation. The level of coverage for the claims set out in the insurance policy shall be EUR 2 million per claim and insurance year.
4. Compensation claims due to a malicious breach of contract duties by buhl-paperform, claims for bodily injuries and claims under the Product Liability Law shall be subject to the statutory regulations.
5. buhl-paperform shall accept liability for tortious claims on the basis of contract liability.
6. All liability other than that described in the provisions aboveshall be excluded.
7. Recourse claims on the part of the Customer against buhl-paperform shall only exist as long as the Customer has not made any agreements with its clients which go beyond the statutory defect and compensation claims.
8. buhl-paperform's liability shall be excluded if the Customer has effectively limited its liability to its own clients.
9. If buhl-paperform's liability is excluded or limited, this shall also apply to the personal liability of buhl-paperform's staff, workers, colleagues, representatives, agents and vicarious agents.
10. If liability is excluded or limited under the provisions set out above, the Customer also undertakes to indemnify buhl-paperform from claims by third parties when first requested to do so.
11. With regard to items supplied to buhl-paperform by the Customer, in particular documents or data media, buhl-paperform's liability shall be restricted to the level of care that buhl-paperform normally uses in its own affairs ("diligentia quam in suis").
12. The statutory provisions shall otherwise apply.
13. The Customer undertakes to notify buhl-paperform in writing without delay of any claims lodged by third parties and to reserve buhl-paperform's right to use all possible means of defence and settlement negotiations.
§ 16 Statute of limitations
1. The statute of limitations for claims and rights relating to defects affecting buhl-paperform's products, services or works services and resultant damage shall be one year. The start of this statute of limitations period is based on the statutory regulations.
This shall not apply if the law specifies longer periods in cases pursuant to §§ 438 Para. 1 No. 2, 479 and 634 a Para. 1 No. 2of the Civil Code.
2. The statute of limitations period of one year set out in Number1 above shall not apply in cases of malice if buhl-paperform has deliberately not disclosed the defect or for compensation claims due to personal injury or loss of freedom of a person, for claims under the Product Liability Law and for a grossly negligent breach of duty.
3. Refulfilment action shall not interrupt the statute of limitations for the original provision of the service nor shall it cause the statute of limitations to restart. § 212 of German Civil Code remains unaffected.
§ 17 Transfer of title
1. buhl-paperform reserves title to all contract goods until all buhl-paperform's claims from the business relationship with the Customer have been settled in full.
buhl-paperform reserves all title rights and copyrights to supplied illustrations, drawings, calculations and other (technical) documents.
2. If buhl-paperform's property is processed, connected or mixed with property owned by others, buhl-paperform shall acquire title to the new item as set out in § 947 of the Civil Code.
3. If the processing, connection or mixing takes place in such away that the third party property is regarded as the main item, buhl-paperform shall acquire title in the proportion of the value of buhl-paperform's goods or services to the other goods or services at the time of the processing, connection or mixing.
4. If buhl-paperform acquires title to an item as a result of our goods or services, buhl-paperform shall reserve title to this item until all the outstanding claims from its business relationship with the Customer have been settled in full.
5. The Customer undertakes to keep the reservation of title goods safely and, if necessary, to complete any servicing and maintenance work at its expense promptly. The Customer must insure the reservation of title goods at its own expense against loss and damage. Any security claims accrued in the event of damage must be assigned to buhl-paperform.
6. The Customer shall be entitled to resell the item which is buhl-paperform's (joint) property as part of its normal business as long as it fulfils its duties from its business relationship with buhl-paperform. In this event the claim resulting from the sale shall be considered assigned to buhl-paperform in the proportion of the value of buhl-paperform’s goods or services secured by the reservation of title to the total value of the sold goods. The Customer shall retain entitlement to collect this claim even after this assignment. buhl-paperform's authority to collect these claims itself shall not be affected.
7. The right on the part of the Customer to dispose of the goods subject to buhl-paperform's reservation of title and to collect the claims assigned to buhl-paperform shall become null and void as soon as the Customer fails to meet its payment duties or an application is made to open insolvency proceedings against its assets. In the above cases and in the event of any other action by the Customer in breach of the contract, buhl-paperform shall be entitled to take back any goods supplied with reservation of title without notice.
8. The Customer shall notify buhl-paperform without delay if there are any risks to its reservation of title goods, particularly in the event of insolvency and enforcement action. At buhl-paperform's request the Customer must provide all the required information about the whereabouts of the goods which are buhl-paperform's (joint) property and about the claims assigned to buhl-paperform and must notify its customers of said assignment. The Customer shall provide buhl-paperform with supporting all action required to protect buhl-paperform's (joint) property and shall pay the costs of any such action.
9. To cover all claims under the contract buhl-paperform shall have a right of lien to those goods of the Customer’s that have come into buhl-paperform's possession on the basis of the contract. This right of lien may also be used for claims from goods or services supplied earlier if they are linked to the goods or services in question.
The right of lien shall apply to other claims from our businessrelationship as long as they are undisputed or have been fixed by a court of law. §§ 1204 ff. of the Civil Code and § 50 Para. 1 of the German Insolvency Regulation shall apply as and where appropriate.
10. If the realisable value of the securities exceeds buhl-paperform's claims by more than 10%, buhl-paperform shall release securities covering the excess value at its discretion at there quest of the Customer.
§ 18 Processing of materials
If the Customer provides buhl-paperform with materials for proc-essing, the following supplementary provisions shall apply:
1. Material of any kind that is procured by the Customer shall bedelivered to buhl-paperform free domicile.
2. On delivery, the goods to be processed will only be inspected by buhl-paperform for defects and damage which are externally visible. buhl-paperform shall not be obliged to conduct any other inspections. Any defects found will be reported to the Customer within 10 working days of the discovery of the defect.
3. The goods provided to buhl-paperform must be made of an easily processable material of suitable quality. If these conditions are not met, buhl-paperform will advise the Customer of the additional expense required and the resulting price increase.
If the Customer does not consent to the change in price, it shall have the right to withdraw from the contract. Withdrawal must take place immediately after notification by buhl-paperform of the changed requirements. If the Customer declares withdrawal, it shall provide reasonable compensation for the expense already incurred.
4. If the goods provided to buhl-paperform prove to be unusable due to material defects, the processing costs expended by buhl-paperform shall be refunded.
5. In the event that the material is provided by the Customer, the packaging material and the waste due to unavoidable loss and the like shall remain with buhl-paperform.
6. In the case of data provided by the Customer, these must be created and formatted in accordance with buhl-paperform’s specifications. If this is not done, the Customer shall not have any right of complaint.
In the case of data transmission, the Customer shall before transmission install anti-virus computer programs conforming to the state of the art.
Data backups are the responsibility of the Customer alone.
buhl-paperform shall be entitled to make a copy.
7. buhl-paperform will not accept liability for damage caused by incorrect labelling and identification of the goods supplied by the Customer.
8. The Customer undertakes to reimburse buhl-paperform for all damages including loss of profit which buhl-paperform incurs as a result of its being supplied with material which is not suitable for processing.
9. No compensation will be paid by buhl-paperform for scrap occurring to the extent that is normal in the industry.
§ 19 Tools
1. In the case of tools belonging to the Customer or loaned by the Customer, buhl-paperform’s liability in respect of storage and care shall be limited to the diligence it exercises in its own affairs. The costs of maintenance and insurance shall be borne by the Customer. The obligations on buhl-paperform established under this § 19 shall expire if, on completion of the order and following the corresponding request to the Customer to collect, it has not collected the tools within 14 days of being requested to do so.
2. buhl-paperform shall have a right of retention to the tools for as long as the Customer has not fulfilled its contractual obligations to the full extent.
§ 20 Confidentiality
1. The Customer undertakes to treat all aspects of the business relationship which require protection in confidence. In particular it shall treat all commercial and technical details which are not part of the public domain and which come to its attention as a result of the business relationship as confidential. Information or aspects of the business relationship which were already part of the public domain at the time of their disclosure shall not come under the confidentiality obligation nor shall information or aspects of the business relationship for which the party to the contract can provide evidence to the effect that it already knew the information before the disclosure of it by buhl-paperform.
The Customer shall ensure that its personnel also take care of buhl-paperform's justified confidentiality interests.
2. The documents provided to the Customer may only be copied if required for operational requirements and in accordance with copyright regulations.
3. All documents may not be disclosed to third parties in full or in part or used for purposes other than those for which they were supplied to the Customer without buhl-paperform's written consent.
4. Processes which buhl-paperform has supplied or disclosed to the Customer in any form whatsoever may only be used for the purpose specified or intended in the contract; information on prices must not be disclosed to third parties without buhl-paperform's express written consent.
5. The disclosure even in part of the business relationship with buhl-paperform to third parties shall only be possible with buhl-paperform's prior written consent; the Customer shall subject the third parties to a confidentiality agreement of the same type and scope. The Customer may only advertise this business relationship with buhl-paperform's prior written consent.
6. The Customer undertakes to maintain this confidentiality even after the end of the business relationship.
7. The Customer undertakes not to conduct business identical to the subject of the order with buhl-paperform's customers either directly or indirectly.
§ 21 Applicable law
1. The place of jurisdiction shall be the court with jurisdiction for buhl-paperform's registered office or the place of jurisdiction of the Customer at buhl-paperform's discretion.
2. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be exclusively applicable to our business relationships with the Customer. The applicability of the CISG – “Vienna Sales Convention” shall be excluded.
3. If individual parts of these general terms of processing and delivery are invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. The parties to the contract shall strive to replace the invalid provision with another provision which is as close as possible to the commercial and legal objective of the original formulation.
4. Die Vertragssprache ist deutsch.
§ 21 Applicable law
This is a translated version from the original German version of the “Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB)” of buhl-paperform. If there are any differences between the understanding of these GTCP and the German original version the latter prevails and is controlling.
§ 23 Contact data
buhl-paperform GmbH
Carl-Benz-Straße 10-12
D-57299 Burbach
Phone: +49 2736 4435-0
Managing Director: Christoph Buhl, Johannes Keßler
Court of registration: Siegen Local Court
Commercial Register No. HRB 2119
VAT Registration No. DE126577324
Date of issue March 2021