Managing Director receives award

German Award for Sustainability Projects 2024

We are very pleased and proud that buhl-paperform GmbH has once again been honoured with the prestigious German Award for Sustainability Projects.

TOP100 Innovator 2024

We have been recognised as a TOP100 Innovator and are therefore once  more one of the pioneers in the German mid-cap sector.

Creditreform Solvency Certificate 2023

We have again been awarded the CrefoZert Solvency Certificate by Creditreform and are proud to have proven our strong economic position.

TOP JOB certification 2023

We are delighted to have received another TOP JOB certification for being a top employer. As in 2020, we were again among the proud recipients of the prestigious employer certification in 2023.

Südwestfalenaward 2024

Our website was awarded the prestigious Südwestfalenaward in the “Customer” category by the South Westphalian Chambers of Industry and Commerce in Arnsberg, Hagen and Siegen. In a competition with 80 competitors, we were able to successfully assert ourselves and prove our achievements. Our social media channel also impressed the jury and earned us a place among the top 3.

Seal of the Südwestfalenaward

TOP100 Innovator Award 2024

We are once again the proud recipient of a TOP100 Innovator Award, which recognises us as one of Germany's leading innovative SMEs in 2024. This award underlines our ongoing commitment to excellence and creative solutions in the industry.

CrefoZert Solvency Certificate 2023

The solvency certificate confirms our sustainable growth and strong economic position to our business partners and employees. To us, it represents recognition of our excellent performance and consistent focus. The internationally recognised CrefoZert also confirms the success of our sustainability strategy, which defines the goals of economic stability and financial strength, among others.

TOP JOB certification 2023

As in 2020, we took part in the TOP JOB survey conducted by zeag GmbH – a competence centre for employer attractiveness – and are the proud recipient of the prestigious employer certification in 2023.

German Award for Sustainability Projects 2022

SafePac was honoured with the “German Award for Sustainability Projects 2022”. Presented by DISQ, the news channel ntv and DUP Unternehmer Magazin, the award focuses on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

TOP100 Innovator Award 2022

We received the TOP100 Innovator Award previously in 2016, when we were already one of the most innovative SMEs in Germany. In 2022, we were back once again among the award winners. 

German Excellence Award for Sustainability & Commitment 2022

Another trophy for BucPac®: We were honoured with the German Excellence Award for Sustainability and Commitment.

WorldStar Award 2021

Our BucPac® product family received the WorldStar Award 2021 from the World Packaging Organisation (WPO).

German Packaging Award 2020

BucPac® was honoured with the German Packaging Award for Logistics & Material Flow by the German Packaging Institute in 2020.

TOP JOB certification 2020

On 28 February 2020, we were presented with the TOP JOB seal 2020 by Sigmar Gabriel, the former Vice-Chancellor, in Berlin. Every year, this seal recognises outstanding employers in the German SME sector who are committed to a healthy and high-performing workplace culture.

German Excellence Award 2020

We received the German Excellence Award 2020 for outstanding and pioneering services in the German economy. The award ceremony was held on 23 January 2020 in Berlin and hosted by the German Institute for Service Quality, DUB UNTERNEHMER magazine and the news channel n-tv.

Südwestfalen­award 2016

The best websites in the region were honoured at the gala that is organised by the three South Westphalian chambers of industry and commerce of Arnsberg, Hagen and Siegen. We beat more than 130 other entries to secure first place in the design category.

TOP100 Innovator Award 2016

The “TOP 100” awards ceremony, which pays tribute to the most innovative German SMEs, was held for the 23rd time in Essen on 24 June. We are a proud winner of this award and are delighted to be counted among the most innovative companies.

WIRE Prize 2015

In September 2015, we were honoured by Wirtschaftsjunioren Südwestfalen (WJSW/South Westphalian Young Economists) with the special “WIRE 2014” prize for our energy-optimised manufacturing process.

Burbach Ökofit-Betrieb (EcoFit Company) 2014

The sustainable realisation of our business policy to protect resources, utilise synergy effects and implement energy-saving measures earned us an award in the context of the Ökoprofit (Ecoprofit) project in April 2014.

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